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Proof he is Obamessiah:

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Proof he is Obamessiah: Empty Proof he is Obamessiah:

Post by Keli Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:46 pm

Obama preached to the multitude by the side of the lake.

Obama created new states from out of the void.

Obama turned whine into Kool-AidŽ for his followers.

Obama came to us carried upon a donkey.

Obama triumphed over the beast (Hildebeast), the enemy of all men.

Obama was stoned and yet he has risen.

Obama's flock has millions of sheep--and he plans to fleece them.

Obama will reign over us from a house with many rooms.

You must have no other candidates before Obama.

Obama will raise voters from the dead. Count on it.

Number of posts : 3608
Age : 73
Location : Zarr Chasm, WV--between Flotsam and Belch on the Cheat River
Registration date : 2007-12-28

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